An exhibition of fine art & photography

चित्रांमधून बोलू काही

Calling all artists and photographers in the Marathi Community – we invite you to share your work at the most awaited event in 2022.

BMM2022 is pleased to announce a Juried Art & Photography Exhibition and Competition at the BMM2022 Convention at Atlantic City, NJ. We are excited to showcase the diverse talents in our community by providing a platform for artists to exhibit their art under one roof.

The convention tagline is – “सोहळा अस्तित्वाचा”; all we ask is that the artwork you wish to submit should be positive and uplifting to fit the general theme of the convention.

The deadline to submit entries is June 15, 2022 .

Looking forward to an overwhelming response from you all!

About the judge

We are pleased and honored to announce that Shri. Vikrant Shitole will be the judge for our Art and Photography exhibition. Judging will be done remotely.

An established artist, Vikrant Sir is best known for his watercolors. He is a graduate in fine arts with merit from L. S. Raheja School Of Art. He paints with various styles, mediums and techniques – adopting the best suitable feature to reproduce on paper what he sees in person. Most of his achievements till now have been in fluid medium of watercolors and genre of landscapes.

Participations in national level exhibitions like Art Society of India and Bombay Art Society were followed up with those on international level. Awards at Istanbul Watercolor Society, Palm Art Awards-Germany and Art Society of India, Prafulla Dahanukar foundation award for emerging artist of the year to name a few were highlights of Vikrant’s thriving young career which has seen solo n few group shows as well.

Vikrant has traveled and work in Europe. Where he worked under the guidance of renowned artist Mr. Alvaro Castagnet. He also successfully conducted watercolor workshops in France, Germany, Russia, Dubai & India.
He has been invited to demonstrate prestigious watercolor event called “InArteFabriano” in Italy, IWS Turkey Bienalle, Masters of Watercolor, Russia, IWS UAE Biennial. He is one of the invited artist for InWatercolor/Taiwan-Indian Watercolor Exchange in Taiwan and several international shows. Presently he is serving as Hon. Chairman of “Art Society of India”. He is active co-ordinator of International Watercolor Society in India. He is brand ambassador of Russian paint brand “WHITE NIGHTS” Nevskaya Palitra, St. Petersburg. His works have been published in several prestigious international publications.” He has been jury for many international art contests like IWS Turkey, IWS UAE, WATERCOLORium International Watercolor Competition, Russia, Russian Design Week, International Art Forum in Moscow and many other prestigious art organizations.

1. Participants can be emerging or established artists.

2. The minimum age for participation is 12 years as of December 31, 2021.

3. Participants can submit up to 3 entries. Entry fee - $20 per entry. The entry fee is nonrefundable.

4. Participants must submit photographs of their work along with the entry form – only one photo per entry is permitted.

5. Submission for ARTWORK must meet the following specifications:

  • The file size should not exceed 8MB.
  • Uploaded pictures must be with the original pixel size and close to true colors.
  • Original artwork MUST NOT be digitally modified.
  • Pictures must be uploaded in JPEG or PNG format ONLY.

6. Submission for PHOTOGRAPHY must meet the following specifications:

  • The file size should not exceed 8MB.
  • Uploaded pictures must be with the original pixel size. Photographs can be B&W or Color.
  • Original photographs MUST NOT be digitally modified.
  • Pictures must be uploaded in JPEG or PNG format ONLY.

7. Entries will be accepted and judged within two categories – 12-18 years and 19 and above. The selection process will be based solely on the submitted digital entries. The judging will be primarily based on (but not limited to): Subject, Caption, Presentation, Skill over the media, and Creative aspect.

8. If more than 3 entries are submitted by the same participant, the additional entries will not be included in the selection process. Fees paid for such submissions are non-refundable. Participant must be the owner and copyright holder of the submitted art entry.

9. No part of the submitted art can reveal the name, address, watermark, or any other information that can identify the participant. Signed artworks are allowed. Participants below 18 years must have an adult primary contact. (For others, primary contact and participant name can be the same.)

10. Participants will receive a confirmation of their submission and the payment receipt on the email id provided in the entry form.

11. For Art Exhibition Entries

  • Participants can submit their best 2-dimensional art on any topic and provide an appropriate caption for each artwork.
  • The artwork can use mixed or single media as oil, water, acrylic, charcoal, etc. The dimensions of the artwork should be under 4 ft. Digital art is out of the scope of this exhibit.
  • If selected for final exhibition, participant must bring the original artwork and not the photograph of the artwork.
  • Artwork included in the show must remain on exhibit until the conclusion of the final exhibit date.

  • Competitions/exhibitions are open to participants (“Participants”) who are compliant with entry/registration and payment requirements of the respective competition(s)/exhibition(s). All finalists selected from all the competitions must be registered to attend the BMM2022Convention to be held in Atlantic City, NJ (the “Convention”) in order to qualify to compete in the final rounds, which may be held prior to or during the Convention.
  • Participants must be at least 12 years of age, unless specified otherwise in any particular competition-specific guidelines (“Guidelines”).
  • Any and all entries constitute Participant’s certification that he/she meets the eligibility requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions and any Guidelines.
  • BMM2022 Convention Committee (“BCC”) reserves the right to verify eligibility of any Participant. Winning any prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions and any Guidelines.
  • All the information provided in a participant’s application, either in an entry form or otherwise, must be truthful, accurate, and not misleading in any shape or form. Participant shall inform BCC of any changes in the supplied information immediately; a failure to do so in a timely manner may lead to disqualification of the Participant(s).
  • Participant acknowledges and understands that BCC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove or disqualify any participant from any competition for any reason it deems appropriate, and that such decision by BCC will be final and binding.
  • Participant shall assume all responsibility for all costs related to the entry fee for any/all competitions, registration fee for the Convention, travel, lodging, meals, all other incidental costs for participating in any competition, attending the Convention, and getting to/from the Convention venue as many be required.
  • Participant acknowledges and understands that BMM, BMM2022 or any of their affiliated or related entities shall not be liable for any compensation of any sort to the participant if the participant is unable to attend or take part in the competition, after registering for or entering into the respective competition, for any reason whatsoever.

The artwork, photos, videos or audio recordings submitted by the Participants must expressly comply with the following requirements:

  • They shall not contain material which is (or promotes activities which are) sexually explicit, obscene, pornographic, violent, self-mutilating (e.g., relating to murder, the sales of weapons, cruelty, abuse, etc.), discriminatory (based on race, sex, religion, natural origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or age), illegal (e.g. underage drinking, substance abuse, computer hacking, etc.), offensive, threatening, profane, or harassing.
  • They shall not include a mention or a performance of any copyrighted media production including but not limited to music, films, books, television programming, etc., or identifying descriptions of any media property.
  • They shall not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to material that violates privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement.
  • Particularly with respect to any video submissions, they must not include third party trademarks, logos, insignia, location signage, photographs, artwork, or sculptures.
  • The submitted work shall not include third parties, including but not limited to minors, celebrities or friends who have not expressly authorized Participants to display their image, likeness or voice in any submitted photo, audio, video, or artwork.

  • By entering in any one of the competitions, each Participant represents and warrants that his or her entry does not and will not defame or otherwise violate the rights of any third party and does not and will not violate any federal, state, or local laws or ordinances.
  • Participant further represents and warrants that he or she has secured the requisite consent from any third party referenced or appearing in their submissions.
  • To the extent that anyone under the age of 18 appears in a photo or video,
  • Participant represents and warrants that the minor’s parents consented to the minor’s appearance in the photo or video and the public display of such photo or video.
  • BCC reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any submission that it believes violates any of the requirements set forth in these Terms and Conditions or in any Guidelines or that is not consistent with the spirit and theme of the competitions or the Convention.
  • Participants may retain copyrights in their work as submitted, but each Participant grants to BMM, BMM2022 and their affiliated and related entities a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, assignable, royalty-free license to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, create derivative works, transmit or disseminate the submissions in all media or platforms nationally or internationally. Furthermore, BCC reserves the right to film and/or audio/video record performances at all stages of competitions including the final events during the BMM2022 Convention and shall retain all copyrights in these photos, audios, videos and films. With respect to such photos, audio or video recordings by BMM, BMM2022, and their affiliated and related entities expressly reserve the right to edit, publish, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, create derivative works, transmit or disseminate the submissions in all media or platforms nationally or internationally.
  • Participant hereby warrants that he/she has not entered into any commercial, sponsorship, or other such agreement or arrangement with any person, firm, or company with respect to his/her entry in or submission to the competition and/or musical, musical writing and/or performing abilities, and agrees not to enter into any such agreement or arrangement until conclusion of BMM2022 Convention.
  • Participants acknowledge and agree to abide fully by rules, regulations, Guidelines, Terms and Conditions as set forth by BCC, and agree to observe all procedures and obey all reasonable  instructions  stated by BCC and management of the Convention venue including, but not limited to, the fire safety and security arrangements at the Convention venue.

  • Participants expressly acknowledge that BCC, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to amend the Guidelines or Terms and Conditions (including any verbal instructions) or terminate any competition at any time. Decisions made by BCC shall be final and binding in all matters related to all competitions.
  • The final selection rights will remain solely with competition judges and/or BCC and any challenge or appeal related to the selections will not be allowed or considered. All decisions related to all selections by the judges and by BCC shall be final and binding.

  • Any disputes arising out of or related to the participation in any competitions, submission of any artwork, photos, audios, or videos, or related activities shall be governed by the laws of the State of NJ and shall be adjudicated in the local, State or Federal courts located in Atlantic City, NJ.
  • All Participants over the age of 18 or any parents and/or guardians of minor Participants hereby registered and participating, fully release BMM2022, BCC, their affiliated and related entities, directors, agents, independent contractors, and volunteers (collectively referred to as “BMM2022 Indemnitees”) from any and all claims, damages, liability, loss of service, and causes of action of any kind including negligence or future negligence which may occur while participating in any activity connected with, or at, the BMM2022 Convention. This acknowledgement and release is fully understood and fully given as it is acknowledged that there are risks of physical injury, property damage, or other damages associated with, arising out of and inherent to the physical performance or attendance at any of the BMM2022 Convention related events. All Participants or parents and/or guardians of minor Participants voluntarily waive all rights and/or causes of action as set forth.
  • These Terms and Conditions must be read in conjunction with the Guidelines for respective competitions, terms and conditions of the competition entry form, BMM2022 Convention registration form, any other oral or written instructions provided by the BCC.