We Care for Tomorrow

The natural environment sustains the life of all beings universally.

- Dalai Lama

Next August, when we gather together at the BMM 2022 convention, along with celebrating our heritage and culture, we’ll unknowingly emit tons of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. During a three-day BMM convention, 5,000 attendees will use 45,000 plates, cutleries, napkins, water bottles at our Food & Beverage arena. Add to that all the travelling to and from the convention. Just imagine how much waste and GHG s we will end up generating!

We’ve seen the devastating impact of climate change around the world; we are running out of time to take a corrective course instead. Against this backdrop, how can we not have a burning desire to change the Status Quo?

A minor contribution towards making this change happen is hosting Green Conventions, which is a practice ushered in by the global tourism and convention industry. It’s a part of an international movement to nurture a sustainable world economy for a more livable planet. The dire situation itself driving us to make a shift in thought and approach, we are happy to say we will be a part of this movement! It is our choices that affect the community we live in at large, and realizing this simple fact, we are aiming for a Progressive Marathi community.

We have decided to become a Socially Conscious Changemaker.

What are we fighting against?

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make

- Dalai Lama

It is time to stop playing the blame game and fretting over who and what is contributing to these undesirable effects. Our philosophy is: we are all responsible.

Unfortunately, there’s no escaping physics. At a temperature above 0 degrees celsius, ice will melt. There is no denying simple science, right? Similarly, when the global temperature rises – due to umpteen harmful human activities – our Earth’s polar ice sheets begin to melt. Consequently, when this ice-turned-to-water flows downwards into the oceans, it raises the global sea level.

Here are some more worrying stats:” A 6 year old in 2020 will experience twice as many wildfires and tropical cyclones, thrice more river floods, four times more crop failures, five times more droughts, and 36 times more heatwaves. If this is not Code Red for humanity, we don’t know what is! IPCC scientists say that human-caused emissions have led the planet to grow hotter by 1.1 degrees Celsius in the last 170 years. In a decade more, it will grow even warmer by 1.5 degrees Celsius.”

It will affect natural biological ecosystems, cause terrible climate adverse effects, and impact overall human health. Sure, as living beings, nature has equipped us to adapt, but if this climate change is rapid, we won’t have the luxury of the very many years needed for us to adapt. In effect, we are looking at a mass species extinction!

fulfill our responsibility as global citizens

Welcome to contribute your own ideas


Be the change you wish to see in the world

- Mahatma Gandhi

Even the smallest preventive measure can cause a dent in overall statistics. While quality, class and comfort will be the utmost priority for the attendees, the organizers of BMM 2022 convention will also exercise their moral responsibility towards Mother Earth. Considering climate change is an extraterrestrial threat happening now, hosting a “Go Green” convention is the only right thing to do to save our only home.

Through the Green Convention approach, we are aiming to connect more like-minded individuals to an imminent cause, and hoping to amplify the positive effects our Go Green movement will cause. Remember, even a tiny pebble can stir up ripples in a monstrous lake.

We welcome you all to not only accept these changes but contribute your own ideas and efforts to reducing waste and protecting the Earth for future generations of Maharashtrians across the world.



We, at BMM, shall strive to fulfill our responsibility to educate and empower each attendee to mitigate the impact of climate change and take every step towards making the convention eco-friendly.

United Nation’s 17 Goals to Transform our World

What are United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals?

Our present choices and actions have huge long-term impacts on future generations. Practicing sustainability ensures that we make ethical choices that bring a safe and livable future to everyone. It creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can co-exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations. If we deplete the resources of the Earth, future generations will be depleted.

Why should I care about the sustainable development goals?

Why do BMM need to pay attention towards a sustainable society?