BMM 2022 Help Tackle UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

About five years ago, the United Nations’ global leaders agreed to 17 universal goals for a better planet by 2030. They cover natural resource management, climate change, water-related issues, marine issues, biodiversity, ecosystems, circular economy among other topics. It is now up to businesses and governments and people like us to work together as we enter the decade of delivery. We have to spread the word about the Global Goals, so that more people can take action and contribute to meeting the Goals.

BMM has actively managed potential impacts on the environment, local community and identified opportunities to deliver environmental and social value. We have communicated and educated all stakeholders including delivery partners, suppliers, attendees, speakers, staff and vendors to ensure the lasting impact of sustainability initiatives efforts with the aim of delivering positive legacy impacts beyond this convention.

BMM is proud to announce the achievement of seven (7) out of seventeen (17) UN’s Global Goals.

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

UN Interpretation :

Goal 1 calls for an end to poverty in all its manifestations by 2030. While Goal 2 seeks to end global hunger and malnutrition by 2030. They both are interconnected.

The World Bank measures poverty according to income: A person living in extreme poverty is anyone who lives on less than USD 1.90 a day. However, malnutrition, health risks, and a lack of accommodation can also be an expression of poverty.
According to FAO, an estimated 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted globally which is enough to feed the over 800 million hungry people. While there is food available to feed everyone, so many people, including children, still do not have enough food to eat. The vast majority of the world’s hungry people live in developing countries and Agriculture is the single largest employer in the world.

The UN explains: “It is time to rethink how we grow, share and consume our food. Right now, our soils, freshwater, oceans, forests and biodiversity are being rapidly degraded. If done right, agriculture, forestry and fisheries can provide nutritious food for all.

While BMM cannot solve world’s hunger or poverty, we will do our part to reduce it. We will follow this philosophy, “Buy only what you can consume per time; Cook, only what you can consume at a time; Serve only what you can eat at a time”.

BMM Food team chair Pooja expressed that “We have worked hard to create a menu, the thought and effort that has gone into making dishes both healthy, sustainable and suitable for different diets and different tastes.

Chief’s Manohar Vishnu has a passion for creating mouthwatering Maharashtrian dishes with using fresh spices and local food. Rajbhog, our caterer has committed to serve the freshest ingredients locally sourced and in-season. Produce from responsible farms, ranches and fishermen that share the same commitment to better quality will be used.

To stop food wastage, BMM will donate this nutritious and healthy food to local Charity for feeding hungry and underprivileged people.

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
UN Interpretation :

Education is the pathway out of poverty and the foundation for a better future. Education, research and innovation are essential in sustainable development, making universities key contributors to achieving the goals. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
BMM has taken following steps to promote education and learning opportunities and create better future for all.

Creation of Go-Green Team:

  • Go-Green Team was created to educate how to host sustainable, green convention.
  • Articles related to Climate Change, role of Plastic pollution, water were posted at BMM2022 website.
  • To reduce Personal Carbon Footprint, a document was created and posted on BMM website for Marathi community. It will guide how small changes in our personal life styles can help control Global warming.
  • What are United Nation’s 17 goals and how BMM is supporting them? The article explaining details in two-part series were posted on the website. BMM has achieved 7 out of 17 goals by hosting sustainable conference.
  • Many BMM teams have already followed sustainable practices.

Marathi Business Conference:

  • Poster Competition: This competition is to encourage and support Marathi youths to take their ideas/plans from concept/beta model to active business. BizCon will hold workshops on design thinking, Ideation, Incubation for these applicants and tell them to create ‘Posters’, Pitch Video for their ideas. Three Prizes will be awarded during the conference. Idea-plan-Action. BizCon will also continue the same support post business conference until realization of the business.

East Meets West: Indo-US Summit on Education, innovation and entrepreneurship.
An interactive forum for the Educators and Industrialists will include:

  • Faculty and students Exchange program between U.S. and India.
  • Industrial site visits.
  • Highly focused sessions on disruptive innovation, advanced technology, and integrated collaborative network for R&D.
  • Provide mentorship opportunities at early stages in the lives of teenagers and school students which is a vital part of learning process.

BMM’s partner organization, Marathi Vishwa has announced a scholarship for students called “ANYA” to support education of the future generation – locally or globally.

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
UN Interpretation :

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

BMM encouraged women’s full and effective participation, they provide equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making and empower women in all areas. Similarly, BMM has kept their policy open for men as well.

Over 70% of volunteers at this year’s BMM convention are women and 50% of the attendee for this convention will be women. As a matter of fact, this year the President of BMM is a female. Several women also Chair and actively participate in the sub-committees for the convention. Entertainment will also be provided by women artist. Women owned businesses will sell their products during the exhibition.

Women Leadership at Day 0 Business Conference:

Intention of this event is to encourage Marathi Women to go from employee to employer. Successful Marathi women leaders will provide guidance through, fireside chats, panel discussions, answer questions. Provide access to resources, linkages for taking that next step and make their dreams reality.

Goal 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production patterns
UN Interpretation :

Sustainable (and responsible) consumption and production are about doing more and better with less.

Why SDG Goal 12 is so Critical?

Responsible Production and Consumption is a direct pathway to achieving the other SDG goals. Goal 12 is an action, and the other goals, like public health, clean water, waste reduction, oceans are outcomes. And, the efforts to reduce material consumption and manage wastes safely are within everyone’s grasp through sustainable purchasing practices. That is why SDG 12 is a critical enabler for planetary health.

Similarly, the reduction of food waste directly affects the SDG Goal 12, most specifically SDG 12.3. By reducing waste, we will in turn, be reducing business costs, creating social and environmental benefits and increase consumers’ savings. By a cascading effect, reducing food waste will also affect 8 other different goals, such as:

Goal 1: No Poverty 2: Zero Hunger; 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 10: Reducing Inequality; 11: Sustainable Cities and communities; 13: Climate Action; 14: Life Below Water; 15: Life on Land.

BMM has taken following Measures:

  • BMM is purchasing cotton table clothes instead of plastic. Decorations will use minimal plastic or Styrofoam products.
  • At the convention food will be served in biodegradable dinnerware, soiled dinner
    will be recycled and/or composed to avoid ending up in the landfill and/or Oceans.
  • Attendees badge cover, neck strap, gift bags will be biodegradable or reusable material.
  • Recycling and compost bins will be labeled and placed in the dining hall.
  • Recycling bins will be placed on all three floors for water bottles throughout the event.
  • Online registration will be done to save paper. Smartphone applications and overhead displays will be used for schedule displays, maps, speaker details, attendee contacts etc. instead of printed paper.
  • Avoidance of waste to landfill by reusing and recycling material and building these considerations into design and material choices.
Goal 13: urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
UN Interpretation :

Climate action is any policy, measure or program that reduces greenhouse gases, builds resilience to climate change, or supports and finances those goals.

BMM has taken urgent action by declaring the convention “GREEN CONVENTION” since the conception.

BMM is hosting its convention at gold LEED facility, ACCC which uses renewable energy thru Solar power, to reduce GHGs, low-flow water faucets and toilets, LED lights to reduce Carbon foot print.

The unavoidable Carbon emissions are being offset through planting 5000 trees by One Tree Planted (OTP) a non-profit organization through a $5000 donation from BMM and MF.

BMM is providing sustainable transport such as bus services from two major airports, car- pooling is strongly encouraged for attendees. Shuttle buses between hotels will reduce car traffic.

To avoid plastic pollution, plastic products are replaced by sustainable products.

Every participant can be Carbon neutral if they prefer. Personal actions guide that was put together and posted on BMM website, many people are now calculating their Carbon footprint. For example BMM Opening Ceremony Act team is playing their part in reducing plastic consumption. “Bring your own plates, bowls, spoons” to weekly practices reduces significant amount of plastic usage and in turn, lower their Carbon foot print.

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
UN Interpretation :

Partnerships for the goals, is arguably the most important of all the UN SDGs, because achieving the other goals depends on it. In order to reach these goals, governments, the private sector, academics, and citizens must work together. For everyone to benefit, everyone needs to contribute.

To support UN’s SDG # 17, BMM has taken following actions.

  • BMM has partnered with all Marathi Mandal’s across USA to exchange ideas, promote culture, talent, utilize resources, support women among others. The benefits are innumerable. If an avenue can be created where the people with the ideas can meet then people with the funding these ideas will go a long way in creating entrepreneurship. Encourage and support local businesses to thrive by patronizing their services.
  • Promote Marathi business collaborations among USA, Canada and Maharashtra, India through expansion of target market and technical upgradation. This will help small business and underprivileged communities create jobs (e.g., Purchasing Rakhes (from school for blind children). Businesses will get exposure to elite and influential Marathi community (approx. 4000 members) and hence will have access to get crowd funding.

Shark Tank (Type) Event (For Established Businesses to Grow)

The purpose of this event is to support and encourage the established Marathi entrepreneurs for the technical upgradation and/or market expansion of the business growth to next level.

  • Applications from established entrepreneurs will be reviewed by BizCon Committee. Twelve applicants will be selected for final presentation.
  • BizCon will conduct workshops to prepare applicants for presentation of the business expansion proposals to the attendees and venture capitalist during the conference.
  • Marathi Business conference will encourage and support Marathi professionals in USA and Canada to go from employee to employer.
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded individuals during and post business conference will enhance this. BMM will provide access to resources, linkages for taking that next step and make their dreams reality.

Partnered with Maharashtra Foundation

BMM is working with a sponsor like Maharashtra Foundation (MF), a well-known Marathi NGO in U.S. Maharashtra Foundation is directly promoting education, health, environment, women’s empowerment, social and economic empowerment, which is helping remove some of the barriers, enriching individual lives and leveling the playing field, they are also adding talent to the workforce. They also train teachers/educators in remote areas in India.

To promote Biodiversity, MF is donating $5000 for 5000 trees to BMM for planting tree

Below is the summary of the BMM’s Partners and Donors:

Major Sponsors

Other Sponsors


Planet Marathi

Suma foods

All Marathi Mandal, USA

Mandke Group


Miti Group

Maharashtra Foundation

Chintamany Jewlers

Maharashtra Times

- By Darshana Gupte

Go-Green Team Lead